Being a Woman

I have a trigger recently, it just sets me off and I get ranty. That trigger is people talking about what makes someone a “real” or “true” woman. This is my response.

Being a woman has NOT ONE SINGLE THING to do with men. NOT ONE SINGLE THING. I know that many women find a sense of being more feminine in relationship to men but that is their personal dynamic and feeling. Men are NO part of *Being a woman* Being a woman is about BEING A WOMAN which includes ONE thing. Just one, being a woman. That’s all. You are a woman then you ARE a woman. You don’t need a man, many women spend their whole lives being “true” woman without ever being with a man. You don’t need to DO anything to be a woman, your womanhood does not depend on anyone else. You don’t have to be with anyone, you don’t have to have sex with anyone, you don’t even have to have anyone else in the universe know you are a woman to be a woman. You just are. It is your birthright  you are born that way even if you don’t like men, even if you have a penis, even if you can’t have children, even if you aren’t pretty. Being a woman is in your heart and soul not in anything outside of you. You do NOT have to earn it or your space in the world.

About Veronica
Veronica Grace is a writer/editor for and a pragmatic idealist mother to two sons, one who has rudely determined he will become a teenager without her permission and the other who wouldn't notice the world ending as long as he had a book in his hands. She holds equality, honesty and compassion among her highest ideals and has found herself currently obsessed with gender roles and practical minimalism. She is always obsessed with why people do the things they do. She is attempting to learn the mysteries that are the twitterverse @vsassypants

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